And we're home… finally

August 8, 2008

After 6400 miles on the car, its nice to be out of it. I’m excited to be able to use my bike as my main mode of transportation now.

Recap of the past few weeks. After a wonderful week at the lake, we went to Milwaukee and spent a few days with my dad. I haven’t spent that much time in Milwaukee in awhile, so we got to do a few things I’ve been wanting to do: Bike down to the lake front and have coffee/lunch at Alterra (might be one of my favorite coffee shops ever), ended up being about a 30 mile ride; touring the Sprecher Brewery, which makes probably the best root beer in the world; and we finally found the disc golf course, so played a quick 9 holes.

After Milwaukee, we made our way to Missouri with a quick stop in Chicago and had lunch with Dave’s friend Craig and my step-bro Jeff. We then drove the length of Illinois down to SE Missouri, of course passing Carbondale, Ill and taking pics of the signs. 🙂 We arrived at Dave’s grandma’s house around dinner to about 60% humidity… Ugh. Luckily, everyone there has air conditioning. We spend the next few days gorging on delicious Southern food and swearing to never eat again! We did a tour of Dave’s uncle’s farm. I’ve never been on a working farm before, so it was really cool to learn about how it works. Uncle David (yes, same name) grows corn, soybeans and rice. We also did a 20 mile bike ride – which was pretty, but also miserable in the heat and humidity. Word to the wise – never go to Missouri in the summer!

We then made our way to Omaha to visit with some college buddies. On the way we did a stop in St. Louis to see the Arch, and stopped in Columbia for a quick visit with Dave’s cousin. Columbia is a cool town, too bad its in Missouri. We arrived in Omaha at Nikki and Pete’s house with the humidity and heat no less than Missouri. A full day of no driving on Sunday was nice (besides going to church), and we got to catch up with quite a few people I haven’t seen in about five years. Our church in Ft. Collins helped with a ‘church plant’ in Omaha, and so a bunch of people moved there after college.

Then on to Denver to stay with Dave’s sister in their new house, and to save the final push home for Tuesday. And now…we’re finally home. I’m taking today off of work to relax, do laundry, and get some EXERCISE!!!

1 Comment

  1. Hey, you were in Milwaukee — my neck of the woods!!

    Sprecher makes great root beer – are we spoiled because we can just pick it up in the local grocery stores???

    Disc golf and biking – two awesome activities! I’ve just begun disc golfing – the village we live in put in an 18-hole course a couple of years ago. My oldest son started going with one of his friends, and then this year, I decided to give it a try. It’s a blast. We’ll go as a family and play – everyone has fun! And, biking, well — you can’t go wrong with biking – at least not in my book!

    Comment by Lance — September 5, 2008 @ 7:01 am

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